Note: This page will be updated throughout the summer; check back frequently for new tasks and deadlines. Feel free to review the Yale College Registration website to familiarize yourself with the course registration process.

Please review the New Student Dates & Deadlines webpage for additional information and helpful links to resources. 

Important:  Yale College Programs of Study (YCPS) is now available online. 

Important: Yale College Undergraduate Regulations are now available online.

Tasks to Be Completed as Soon as Possible

ASAP: Vaccination, health, and physical record forms

Print the vaccination record form. Take this form to your healthcare provider and have it completed. Download and complete the health and physical exam form.  Forms may be downloaded from the Yale Health New Undergraduate Student Forms page

ASAP | Submit the Slifka Center for Jewish Life form

For observant Jewish students for whom electronics entry to a dormitory or residential college on the Sabbath and holidays poses a problem

ASAP | Set up proxy for YalePay

Transfer and Eli Whitney Student Dates & Deadlines, tasks to complete as soon as possible

Important Transfer & Eli Whitney Student Dates & Deadlines

Early Start and Yale Summer Session Students upload documentation as directed
Vaccination, health, and physical record forms available
Yale College Programs of Study (YCPS) available online
Yale Payment Plan Enrollment Opens
Deadline to Submit Housing, Advising and Camp Yale Form
Deadline to submit the Jewish life and observance of Sabbath and holidays at Yale form
Deadline to request special consideration in rooming because of a disability or medical condition (including environmental allergies)
Transfer student matriculation deadline
Transfer Housing, College Affiliation, and Advising Form Due
Eli Whitney matriculation deadline
Eli Whitney advising form due
Residential college affiliation, roommate, suite, and Camp Yale Program assignments will be released.
Earliest date to enter vaccination record information and upload all health-related documents (applies only to incoming students not participating in Early Start or Yale Summer Session)
Deadline for uploading photo for use on your Yale University Student ID Card
Fall 2024 Semester Bills available to view electronically
Summer online placement exams begin
Deadline to complete Family Information Card
Fall 2024 Semester Tuition and Fees due
Summer online placement exams deadline, 12:00 p.m. (EDT)
Deadline to submit student allergy medical treatment plan form
Deadline to complete the Office of the Chaplain religious information form
Deadline to upload all health-related documents (applies only to incoming students not participating in Early Start or Yale Summer Session)
Preference Selection for fall-term courses opens
Preference Selection for fall-term courses closes
Deadline to complete the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement
Residential college orientation events and transfer student orientation events begin
Residences open to upper-level students, 9:00 a.m.
Transfer Student Welcome Dinner with Dean Sodi and transfer peer advisers (mandatory)
Residential college orientation events and transfer student orientation events conclude
First Day of Classes
Deadline to submit First-Year Biographical Questionnaire
Deadline to waive parts of health coverage