The college records that were included in your application for admission were reviewed and you were awarded transfer credits for eligible courses completed at the time of your application. Your transferrable credits are indicated in a transfer credit report (TCR) sent to all transfer students at the beginning of the summer and, in some cases, revised at the end of the summer (once summer transcripts complete with grades have been received).
In order to obtain a final TCR during the summer (and before fall course registration), be sure to arrange for all of your final transcript(s), including all work completed in previous institutions, to be sent to the address listed below. Please note that this is a different address from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Your enrollment in the fall term is contingent upon the timely receipt of your transcripts covering all previous college-level course work.
Electronic transcripts should be sent directly from the issuing institution to (contact Dean Sodi if your institution does not issue e-transcripts).