Important Dates and Deadlines for New Students

Vaccination, health, and physical record forms available
Early Start and Yale Summer Session Students upload documentation as directed
Directed Studies (DS) application opens
Yale College Programs of Study (YCPS) available online
Deadline for admitted students to accept Yale's offer of admission
Yale Payment Plan Enrollment Opens
High School Math and Science Survey opens
Deadline to submit the Jewish life and observance of Sabbath and holidays at Yale form
Deadline to request special consideration in rooming because of a disability or medical condition (including environmental allergies)
Deadline to Submit Housing, Advising and Camp Yale Form
Deadline to apply for Directed Studies (DS)
Earliest date to enter vaccination record information and upload all health-related documents (applies only to incoming students not participating in Early Start or Yale Summer Session) Link coming in late June.
Summer online placement exams begin
Deadline to complete Family Information Card
Summer online placement exams deadline
Deadline to complete the High School Math and Science Survey
Deadline to submit student allergy medical treatment plan form
Deadline to complete the Office of the Chaplain religious information form
Deadline for entering/uploading vaccination record and health forms into the Yale Medicat site
New student occupancy/move-in, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Move-in day for new first-year and transfer students. Students may arrive between 9am and 2pm. The Housing Portal will become available over the summer to register for a move-in appointment.
Residences open to upper-level students, 9 a.m.
- Orientation (Family events on August 18th and 19th)
First Day of Classes
Deadline to submit First-Year Biographical Questionnaire
Deadline to waive parts of health coverage
- Family Weekend