For the latest statewide COVID-19 restrictions, see the City of New Haven website.
FAQ: Off-Campus Living
There are many considerations and decisions related to off-campus living. These resources are meant to assist you in addressing your practical needs.
FAQ: Off-Campus Living
There are many considerations and decisions related to off-campus living. These resources are meant to assist you in addressing your practical needs.
It is critical that you consider the cost of utilities when renting a home or apartment. Some landlords may include the cost of certain utilities (such as water or electricity) in the monthly rent – this will be clearly stated in the lease. For those utilities not included in the rent, you may ask your landlord for an estimate of the apartment’s monthly utility bill. If you do not have access to a thermometer in your unit (not uncommon in older apartment buildings or homes), please ask your landlord when the heat is turned on each year.
Utilities to consider include:
- Cable / Satellite
- Internet
- Gas / Oil
- Electric
- Water
- Garbage
- Recycling
- Home Security Service
- Lawn Care /Landscaping/Snow Removal
How do I set up or transfer utilities?
If you are moving locally, call your current service provider/utility company to inform them of your move.
If you are establishing service for the first time, consult the provider’s website regarding their procedures for new clients.
- Note: Contact your new provider several days before you take occupancy of your new residence to avoid service interruptions.
The main electricity provider in New Haven is United Illuminating (UI). First-time users of UI may establish service using their Start Service page.
Please be sure to review your initial contract to understand the implications of canceling a contract before the end of its term (especially after an initial promotional deal). Be aware of potential increases in rates and don’t hesitate to reach out to your provider if you notice dramatic changes in your monthly bill.
Additional FAQs
Please see the Yale College Weather Emergencies page for information.
The It's Your Yale Utilities page offers comprehensive information regarding utility providers in the greater New Haven area.
Determine immediately whose responsibility it is to pick up trash – yours or your landlord’s. Regardless, a good neighbor ensures a clean environment for those living around them. Be sure to pick up your trash and dispose of it appropriately on the designated day. Ensure proper preparation for trash pick-up days – make sure they are placed at the right location prior to the pick-up, in the appropriate trash cans and curb location. See the Yale College Off-Campus Tenant Rights and Responsibilities page for additional information.
The City of New Haven’s Department of Public Works collects your trash and recycling on the same day every week. Place your garbage and recycling on your curb the night before (pickup is often very early in the morning). See the Yale College Off-Campus Tenant Rights and Responsibilities page for additional information.
Following trash pick-up suggestions, make sure that this responsibility is clearly defined between you and your landlord before signing a lease. If you share a driveway, discuss the responsibility of snow removal with your neighbors. See the Yale College Off-Campus Tenant Rights and Responsibilities page for additional information.
There are a number of grocery stores right in New Haven as well as the option of the weekend grocery shuttle that visits Trader Joe's in Orange, CT on Saturdays & Sundays 10am-4pm.
There are a number of private storage companies in and near New Haven. To ensure that storage meets your needs, please call around, review ratings, prices, and contract terms before making a final decision. If you decide to use a storage unit, be sure to include this cost in your budget.
Note: Businesses in the New Haven area offer options for every budget. The list below, which does not imply a Yale endorsement, includes local businesses ranked by cost, from lowest to highest.
Where can I find furniture?
When purchasing furniture, please:
- Determine your budget
- Consider furniture style and quality
- Consult with roommates to confirm what furniture they will bring. Remember to inquire of landlord what, if any, furniture will be left in the unit when you take possession of it
- Do consider purchasing furniture that can serve multiple purposes
In the New Haven area, you have many purchasing options at varying levels of affordability.
Businesses in the New Haven area offer options for every budget. The list below, which does not imply a Yale endorsement, includes local businesses ranked by cost, from lowest to highest.
City Wards and Voting in the City of New Haven
Your ward determines your polling station and Alderperson contact. To find out your ward and who your respective alderperson is, please check the City of New Haven interactive map.