Resources for Instructors
A variety of online resources and information is available for instructors to manage course logistics and facilitate effective teaching.
Resources for Instructors
A variety of online resources and information is available for instructors to manage course logistics and facilitate effective teaching.
Digital learning environment where instructors can upload syllabi and course documents, post provisional grade reports over the course of the semester, facilitate online discussions, administer online quizzes, and more
First-Year Seminar Program
Small-sized courses that are designed specifically with first-years in mind and that provide them the chance to work closely with faculty members and peers
Grade Submission
Portal for submitting final grades to the Registrar’s Office
Guidelines for Undergraduate Fieldwork
Guidelines and a checklist for faculty supervising undergraduate students doing fieldwork away from the Yale campus
New Course Proposal
CourseLeaf CIM portal for instructors and departmental representatives to propose new courses and changes to existing courses (submissions appear for DUS/Chair review on the pending approvals list)
Certificate Programs
Overview of Certificate Programs and the steps for proposing them.
Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning
Resources for instructors seeking to refine their teaching styles, classroom goals, and interactions with students; tutoring and academic support for students also available
Residential College Seminars
Unique courses that fall outside traditional departmental structures, hosted within the residential colleges and often taught by individuals who reside outside academic life
Spotlight on the Classroom
Spotlight on the Classroom showcases the exceptional teaching at Yale. The site profiles the pedagogic innovations, creativity, and scholarly accomplishments of Yale professors as well as the ways they inspire students to excellence.
Standard Time Patterns
Scheduling regulations for courses in Yale College
Teaching Prizes
Prizes that recognize outstanding undergraduate teaching by faculty members and graduate students
Undergraduate Learning Assistants (ULAs)
Guidelines for hiring and supervising Undergraduate Learning Assistants
Yale Course Search
Information about all courses at Yale (except those at the School of Medicine), including course descriptions, syllabi, and student evaluations