Yale College Prizes for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching

Nominate an instructor

  • Nominations will be accepted until March 24, 2025

Faculty Teaching Prizes are recommended by the Teaching, Learning, and Advising Committee, awarded by the Dean of Yale College on behalf of the Yale College Faculty, and presented at a reception in the spring, before Commencement; Graduate student prizes are awarded jointly by the deans of the Graduate School and Yale College, announced in the spring, and presented at a reception the following fall.

Graduate Student Teaching Prize Fellowships are awarded to recognize outstanding performance and promise as a teacher. They are considered among the most important honors that Yale bestows upon graduate students.

Based on the nominations from undergraduate students and faculty, Prize Teaching Fellowships for graduate students in good standing in Ph. D. programs who have served as Teaching Fellows or Part-Time Acting Instructors are awarded jointly through the offices of the Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of Yale College. Each April, selection is made by a committee made up of Directors of Undergraduate Studies and Directors of Graduate Studies from each of the three divisions (humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences), the Assistant Director of the Teaching Fellow Program, and an Associate Dean of Yale College.

Engaged student image


Graduate Students Prize Eligibility
Faculty Teaching Prize Eligibility


Graduate Students Teaching Prizes
Faculty Teaching Prizes

Past Winners

Teaching Prizes - Past Graduate Student Winners
Teaching Prizes - Past Faculty Winners

Classroom image