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- To make recommendations for the future of online education at Yale College
- Paul Bloom Brooks, Co-chair, Professor of Psychology
- Suzanne Ragen, Co-chair, Professor of Psychology
- Craig Wright, Co-chair, Henry L. and Lucy G. Moses Professor of Music
- Dirk Bergmann,Douglass and Marion Campbell Professor of Economics
- Rich Collins Program Manager, Yale Summer Session Online
- June Gruber, Assistant Professor of Psychology
- Jay Humphrey, Professor of Biomedical Engineering
- Yehia Khalil, Adjunct Professor Chemical & Environmental Engineering
- Diana E. E. Kleiner, Dunham Professor of History of Art and Classics
- Linda Lorimer, Vice President of the University and Supervisor of the Office of Digital Dissemination
- Bill Rando, Assistant Dean & Director of the Yale Teaching Center
- Laurie Santos, Associate Professor of Psychology
- Stephen Stearns, Edward P. Bass Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Lucas Swineford Director, Office of Digital Dissemination
- Bill Whobrey Associate Dean, Yale College; Dean of Summer Session & Special Programs