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- To conduct periodic reviews of all departmental and interdisciplinary major programs in Yale College
- To consider proposals for establishing new majors
Detailed description
Types of members
- University faculty
- Yale College Dean’s Office administrators
- Undergraduate students
Roster for 2024-2025
- Valerie Horsley, Chair
- David Francis, Secretary
- Beth Baumgartel, ex officio
- Eduardo Fernandez Duque
- Andrew Forsyth, ex officio
- Steven Girvin
- Renee Kamauf
- Noel Lenski
- Simon Mochrie
- Alexander Rosas
- Pam Schirmeister
- Dimitri Ivanov, Benjamin Franklin ‘27
- Emily Nguyen, Berkeley ‘27
- Melandelo Pride, Saybrook ‘26
- Bohan Shakes, Timothy Dwight’26