Yale College has standards for the purchase, support, and disposal of computers, printers, and other devices. These guidelines apply to all Yale College Dean’s Office staff, including the Council of Heads of College administrative staff, Heads of College, Deans, and their administrative staffs.
Each employee is allocated one computer. Desktop computers are standard. If an employee must work out of the office frequently (as verified and approved by the appropriate parties), IT Planning & Coordination (P&C) may provide a laptop instead. If only an occasional need for a laptop is identified, the department may consider purchasing a shared laptop. In any case, protection of Yale data is critical and all computers must be configured to meet security requirements. Any exception to the standard allocation of one desktop computer per employee requires approval by the supervisor and cognizant associate dean or director.
Computer Replacement
Computers and monitors are upgraded on a four-year replacement cycle per the Managed Workstation Program. Your desktop support provider (DSP) maintains an equipment inventory log and coordinates each replacement. P&C funds the new equipment purchase. Replacements follow University Laptop and Desktop Faculty & Staff recommendations.
The replacement of a staff member’s computer before the end of the four-year cycle must be funded by the staff member’s unit and be approved by the departmental supervisor and cognizant associate dean or director.
All devices (e.g., computers, cellphones, tablets, printers) purchased through the YCDO are to be returned to the YCDO for redeployment when a staff member leaves the University or transfers to another department within it.
Workstation Configuration
Yale College adheres to the University ITS recommendations regarding standard workstation configurations. Exceptions to a standard configuration require approval by the supervisor and cognizant associate dean or director.
Equipment for New Employees
Whenever possible, a newly created staff position will be equipped with a redeployed managed workstation. If existing hardware is not available or suitable, the equipment purchase is funded through the P&C budget and the new equipment will meet the University recommendations, referenced above. However, if a new employee is hired to fill an existing position, the existing equipment will be re-assigned to the new employee.
To avoid delays for new employees:
- Please email your DSP as soon as you start recruiting for a new or existing position. The DSP will contact you to discuss any new equipment or services to be ordered. Equipment delivery and configuration may take several weeks from the date the order is placed.
- Once the prospective employee has accepted your offer of employment, email your DSP again. Provide the employee name and start date. The DSP will work with you to plan the equipment set-up and system access requirements.
Requests for New or Non-standard Equipment
Requests for new or special equipment, such as an oversized monitor or an ergonomic keyboard, require approval by the supervisor and cognizant associate dean or director. The equipment purchase is funded by the unit.
Office Printers
In general, one printer should be shared among staff members in a proximate work area. Shared printers are usually high-speed black-and-white. Exceptions are made to accommodate specific business needs, such as the need for continuous printing of confidential material. Requests for a color printer, shared or personal, are also considered according to business need and require approval by the supervisor and cognizant associate dean or director. The equipment purchase is funded by the unit.
Printer Replacement
Printers are retained for their useful life and are replaced when no longer serviceable. Departments may request a printer replacement through their DSP. A DSP may also directly request a replacement. DSPs coordinate the order and installation of the printer. The printer purchase and supplies are unit expenses. DSPs must be contacted when printers leased from RIS are being purchased or replaced. DSP must be given advance notice about the delivery of printers so that they can arrange to be present at delivery.
Personal Use of Equipment
The University allows minimal personal use of its property on campus insofar as that use does not involve a disruption to the University’s operations, a conflict of interest or commitment, or additional costs to the University. (University Policy 1110.3 Campus Personal Use of Equipment)
Support of Home Machines and Laptops
University policy prohibits dispatch of DSPs off campus to install, configure, or work on users’ personal or off-campus equipment (even if it is Yale-owned). Exceptions are only made in rare circumstances, such as major illness, and require prior approval by the DSP’s supervisor and the cognizant associate dean. (See Yale’s policy on offsite ITS support for more details.)
Members of the Yale community can walk in for help with computing needs in any of the Walk-in Computer Support locations. Support includes software and hardware support for personal computers and Yale-owned computers. ITS does not charge for labor, but device owners may need to purchase parts to enable repairs.
Disposal of Obsolete Equipment
Old equipment is redeployed within the University whenever possible. Redeployment is coordinated by the DSP. All redeployed computers will have the hard drive cleared and the Moveable Equipment Inventory updated prior to sale (University Procedure 1610 PR.02 Disposal of Obsolete Computers and Peripherals). If the equipment has no further use within the University, it is recycled. All electronic materials to be recycled should be referred to the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.
Cell Phones
Cell phones may be funded for employees with a demonstrated business need (e.g., on-call responsibilities) at the discretion of the program leader and the business office. DSPs are available to make recommendations on equipment and carrier options. Cell phone or smartphone purchases require approval by the supervisor and cognizant associate dean or director. Equipment purchase and associated monthly carrier fees are unit expenses.
In the event of mobile device loss or damage:
- If a smartphone is lost or stolen, immediately notify your DSP or the ServiceDesk at 203-432-9000.DO NOT contact the carrier to terminate service. Users and/or DSPs may be able to locate the device and/or wipe the contents to prevent a data security breach.The carrier service must be active to provide this support.
- During the first two years of ownership, if equipment is lost or damaged, it will be replaced with refurbished equipment.Cell phones are eligible for upgrade every two (2) years, but equipment should be kept until the end of its useful life.
Exceptions to Approved Policy
While Yale College follows the policies above, special circumstances are anticipated. Exceptions to these policies require prior approval by the supervisor and cognizant associate dean or director.