About Yale Summer Session
Yale Summer Session (YSS) offers a broad range of courses, taught by Yale faculty, for Yale College credit in New Haven, online, and abroad. YSS welcomes Yale College students, as well as visiting domestic and international college students and qualified secondary school students going into their final year in high school. Each summer students from around the world gather in New Haven to study and live on Yale’s historic campus. In addition, students may select online courses, also for Yale College credit. Yale Summer Online students “meet” in seminar-sized virtual classrooms to augment learning through digital lectures and other course materials. Finally, YSS offers more than 25 Yale Faculty Led Programs Abroad, in locations around the world. These programs focus on a range of topics, from language and culture to global health to film.
Most students enroll in Yale College courses for credit. However, visiting international students in YSS may also choose one of six non-credit certificate programs focused on professional development or English language acquisition. Finally, YSS offers intensive instruction in creative writing through the non-credit Yale Writers’ Workshop, with two-short-term, workshop-based sessions for experienced and aspiring writers from across the world.