Key Requirements to Participate in YaleSOAR
Please note, this is not a comprehensive list, but intended to highlight some of the core requirements for prospective groups.
This video provides an overview of a finalized YaleSOAR campaign and may help you visualize some of the requirements below.
- Register with the Yale College Dean’s Office for 2024-25.
- Share your group's mission, fundraising goals, and target dollar amount on your application (Funds must directly support the work of your student organization and cannot support a third party, external charity, or another 501(c)(3).)
- Write a donor-facing message (around 300 words) to present a compelling case for your fundraising goals & explain the impact of potential gifts. See examples in these campaigns: Old Campus Appreciation Club (SAMPLE), Bass Library Study Club (SAMPLE), Kingman and Heidi's Summer Vacation Fund (SAMPLE).
- Create a promotional plan to connect with potential donors. Brainstorm how to identify and reach out to a targeted contact list (Former group members, other Yale alumni, personal networks of friends, family, or mentors, peer groups, social media followers, or other recipients who are invested in your cause or have a connection to your members).
- Commit 1-3 hours per week, per group, to campaign building from September 30-November 17. See Relevant Dates and Deadlines Relevant Dates & Deadlines for a detailed timeline of the YaleSOAR commitment.
- Attend an onboarding meeting with your assigned advisor, if required, to be scheduled on a case-by-case basis after your application is approved.
- Source and/or create original media content, including a 30-45-second fundraising video, to add to your campaign page. See examples of past videos: Rural Students Alliance; Mecha de Yale; Yale South Asian Society; Living Water; Yale Black Men’s Union; Walden Peer Counseling; YUAA.
- Your organization will need to have or create a Tax ID Number/EIN and organizational bank account to receive YaleSOAR funds. Upon approval, the Yale College Business Office will contact you with instructions on setting up an EIN and creating an organizational bank account. Please reach out to Kelly Walsh ( with any questions.