Sponsored by Yale’s fourteen residential colleges, Residential College Seminars are unique and innovative courses taught by diverse range of individuals, including Yale faculty and other professionals from outside academic life such as writers, artists, journalists, and politicians. Topics for these seminars may be suggested by potential instructors, as well as students, fellows, and heads of residential colleges.

One of the defining features of the Residential College Seminar Program is the active involvement of undergraduates in the seminar selection process. Each residential college has a student selection committee responsible for evaluating seminar proposals.

By the numbers

  • There are over 30 seminars offered each academic year, with at least 14 available each term. These seminars do not require any prior experience in the field.
  • Seminars meet weekly for about two hours for 13 weeks.
  • Enrollment in each seminar is limited to 15-18 students, depending on the course’s nature. If the number of applications exceed the enrollment maximum, six students are admitted from the sponsoring college and 12 from all other colleges combined.

For Students

Students interested in applying to Residential College Seminar Selection Committee can complete the online application by May 1. Please feel free to contact College Seminar Program at RCseminar@yale.edu with any questions concerning the application process.

Students may enroll in one college seminar per term and are allowed to apply to a maximum of two seminars. Throughout their Yale career, students may enroll in a total of up to four college seminars. Auditing is not permitted for these seminars, and graduate students are not eligible to apply.

For Prospective Instructors

For prospective instructors interested in teaching a seminar, learn more about teaching a residential college seminar.


Jasmina Beširević

Director of Residential College Seminar Program, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Yale College, Associate Dean for Graduate Education, Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and Lecturer, Department of Sociology