Announcement for Yale College Students

As part of our commitment to fostering critical thinking skills and quantitative proficiency among all students, Yale College is introducing new initiatives aimed at enhancing your educational experience, especially in data intensive sciences. These initiatives are designed to provide you with ample opportunities to explore quantitative methods and integrate them into your liberal arts education effectively.

Key changes and implementation initiatives:

  1. New Advising Resources
    • We have launched a new advising webpage, available at, to assist you in making informed decisions about statistics and data science courses, and guide you in selecting courses and pathways suited to your level of achievement in this field.
  2. Offering Core Courses Every Semester
    • S&DS 100: Introduction to Statistics and S&DS 123: YData: Introduction to Data Science will be offered consistently each semester. Additionally, S&DS 230: Data Exploration and Analysis will continue to be available every semester.
  3. Additional Support Through Discussion Sections
    • For students seeing extra assistance, additional discussion sections for S&DS 100 and S&DS 123 will be offered.
  4. Enhanced Data Science “Connector Courses”
    • We are expanding and improving the data science connector courses available across disciplines. These courses, designed to follow introductory courses like S&DS 100 and S&DS 123 will be offered in the social sciences, the physical sciences, and in the humanities. Each connector course will focus on a substantive topic within a discipline while incorporating quantitative data and methods. All connector courses will count toward your QR distributional requirement.
  5. Transition Support with Online Modules
    • We are developing online modules to provide transition support as you navigate through quantitative courses and methods.

These initiatives aim to encourage you to explore quantitative methods while fulfilling your QR distributional requirement. We are committed to providing you with the resources and support necessary to excel in this area.

We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities and engage actively in the quantitative aspects of your education.


Jasmina Beširević Regan  (she/her)
Associate Dean for Graduate Education, Yale Graduate School
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Yale College