May 31, 2024
Dear Class of 2028,
The Calendar of Opening Days, which includes dates for Camp Yale programs, will help you plan your first month at Yale, starting from the day you move in until the celebratory welcoming weekend at the start of September. The Calendar will give you a good sense of the events that are planned for you as well as those that families are invited to attend.
See the full Calendar of Opening Days →
There are mandatory Camp Yale events scheduled August 18-29, so please keep these days open in your schedule and plan to be on campus.
AUG 18
- Move-in day
- Events for families
AUG 19
- Morning events for families
- Suggested departure time for families (2:00 p.m.)
- Afternoon and evening orientation events
AUG 21
- Orientation event
- Course registration until 3:00 p.m.
- Camp Yale Programs begin
AUG 22-25
- Camp Yale Programs
AUG 25
- Bulldog Bash
- A campus-wide welcome party hosted by the Schwarzman Center
AUG 26
- Orientation events
AUG 27
- Orientation events
- First-year dinners
AUG 28
- Classes begin
AUG 29
- Classes
- Undergraduate Day of the Arts
AUG 30 - SEP 02
- Bazaar of Student Organizations
- Yale Up!
- Residential college activities
Details about the events and other events held during this time period will be posted both on the Calendar of Opening Days and in the Class of 2028 Yale Connect Page and as we get close to orientation any updates to events will be reflected there as well.
Don’t forget to subscribe to the Class of 2028 calendar if you haven’t done so already. It will automatically populate your Google Calendar with the summer dates and deadlines and the Camp Yale events.
Subscribe to the Class of 2028 calendar →
Residential college, housing, and first-year counselor assignments will be communicated later in the summer.
Dean Peck
Hannah Rose Peck
Dean of First-Year Affairs
Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Yale College Dean's Office
MAY 31 - Deadline to apply for Directed Studies (DS)
JUL 01 - Summer online placement exams begin
JUL 08 - Deadline to complete family information card
JUL 15 - Deadline to submit health forms for Camp Yale programs